Mobile Van
“A Mobile Van properly equipped with modern devices for the measurement of hydraulic, hydrometeorological and hydrological parameters serves the conduction of field measurements by members of the research team of CHI
The equipment is appropriate for:
- Determination of soil characteristics (infiltration capacity, hydraulic conductivity etc.)
- Determination of basic water quality parameters for both groundwater and surface water.
- Determination of hydrogeological parameters (pumping tests, drawing up of piezometric maps etc.)
- Measurements of water level (in rivers, streams, springs etc.)
- Measurements of groundwater level (levels up to 400m, depths of drillings)
- Measurement of hydrometeorological parameters (rainfall depth, humidity, air temperature etc.)
The devices of the Mobile Van have been used in many relevant research projects for the measurement and study of hydrological parameters and components of water circle process.
Field measurements from the Mobile Van are further processed at the Laboratory (quality control, statistical analysis etc.) and can then be used in studies and research projects.
The research team CHI provides relevant services (field measurements, data analysis, reports, consultations etc.) to public and private institutions, organizations and companies that are active in water management.
Download the attached leaflet for more information on the Mobile Van and its equipment.